Porn and Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is characterized by persistent and escalating sexual thoughts and behaviours that negatively impact a person’s life.  Sexual addiction can manifest in a wide range of compulsive behaviours which include: compulsive masturbation, multiple affairs, anonymous sex, obsessive dating, compulsive use of pornography, unsafe sex, cybersex, exhibitionism, voyeurism and the use of sex workers.

I have been helping individuals who struggle with sex addiction for over 25 years. In counselling I help my clients:

  • Arrest the destructive progression of the addiction

  • Explore underlying emotional causes and triggers

  • Learn self-soothing strategies to deal with uncomfortable feelings

  • Deal with childhood trauma

  • Address shame, low self-esteem, anxiety and depression

  • Develop intimacy with self and others

  • Repair the relationship ruptures to relationships caused by the addiction