Anger Management Counselling

Anger Management Counselling in Ormeau, Gold Coast

Jude Morris at Open Hand Counselling located at Ormeau on the Gold Coast has over 25 years experience in Anger management counselling. He provides this specialized form of therapy to help individuals understand and control their anger. This type of counseling typically involves a series of one-on-one sessions to help clients identify the root causes of their anger.

During these sessions, clients learn about the various triggers that can provoke anger and the different ways in which they can respond to these triggers. Jude works with his clients to develop strategies for managing anger, such as:

  • Appropriate assertive responses
  • Communication and problem solving skills
  • Physical relaxation techniques
  • Meditation exercises
  • Disputing irrational thoughts
  • Dealing with deeper feelings and belief systems
  • Forgiveness

This approach is designed to help clients recognize the signs of anger and take steps to control it before it escalates.

One of the key components of how Open Hand Counseling can help is the emphasis on communication and interpersonal skills. Clients are taught how to express their feelings and needs in a way that is clear and non-confrontational. This involves learning how to use “I” statements instead of “you” statements, which can help reduce the likelihood of a conversation escalating into an argument. Clients also learn how to listen actively and empathetically to others, which can help them understand the perspective of the person they are communicating with. These skills are critical for building and maintaining healthy relationships, both personal and professional.

Open Hand Counseling also integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques into its anger management counseling. This approach involves helping clients identify negative thought patterns that contribute to their anger and working to change these patterns. For example, a client might learn to challenge and re-frame irrational beliefs like “Everyone is out to get me” or “I must be in control at all times” that may be fueling their anger. By addressing these underlying thoughts, clients can begin to react to situations in a more balanced and less angry manner.

Open Hand Counseling recognizes the importance of ongoing support and follow-up for effective anger management. Clients are encouraged to continue practicing the skills they have learned in therapy in their daily lives and to return for periodic check-ins or booster sessions as needed. The goal is for clients to feel empowered and equipped to handle their anger in a healthy way long after they have completed their counseling sessions. This holistic approach ensures that clients receive not just immediate relief from their anger issues, but also long-term tools and strategies for managing their emotions effectively.

Open Hand Counselling is located in Ormeau, near the Gold Coast, Loganholme, Upper Coomera and Beenleigh. Sessions are available in person and also remote via Zoom. Contact Open Hand Counselling now to arrange an appointment.